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Annual Events

Pack 75 participates in a wide variety of activities throughout the year that offer whole fun for the whole family.

Fishing Derby

Fish down at the Bow community center and enjoy the company of scouts, families and community members.  Partnering with New Hampshire Fish and Game to stock the pond, this is a great family event.

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Pinewood Derby

Craft an create an amazing Pinewood Derby car to race against other cars within your den.  The first, three fastest cars in each den progress to a district wide race to race against scouts from other packs..  Siblings and community members can also participate in the a special race by registering here.

Popcorn Sales

Fundraising and entrepreneurship are two skills scouts can use throughout their life.  Pack 75 participates in popcorn sales to teach these valuable life skills as well as to fund activities, materials and supplies trhoughout the year. 

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